11 June 2009

Google Sync and Maps - technology that works

I've been playing around with Google Sync and apart from a couple of "gotchas" (which do actually make sense when you have them pointed out to you!) it most definitely falls in to the "technology that works" category.

I've now managed to achieve that almost mystical state of serenity that comes from having the contacts on my phone, Outlook, Gmail and BlackBerry all the same without having to export/ merge/ import all my data via Excel.

Its not perfect in that it doesn't handle Outlook categories and due to my company's security policy I can only sync manually but it does what I need it to which is to make my life easier without first making it harder! The really big deal is that the decision I took about 10 years ago not to keep separate personal and work address books appears to have finally paid off.

And while we are on the subject, Google Maps has done a pretty good job today of getting me from Paddington into the City on foot as the Tube strike is still on. I walked via the parks (Hyde, Green and St. James; the shot above is the Joy of Life Fountain in Hyde Park) which took about an hour-and-a-half but as I was on the phone and email all the way it didn't really matter.

The "walking" option in the latest version of Maps works brilliantly and even has Streetview (the little picture at the top of the screen).

I know that Google is now supposed to be evil but while they keep innovating geeks like me will keep drinking the Kool-Aid!

"Today I have been mainly..." Travelling on trains and walking through London.

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