28 October 2010

Mobile blogging

I thought that the time had come to revive Sweaty Ramblings as a way of heralding my return to running.

It's the OMM this weekend and when I went for lunch with @NeilySan yesterday I had to admit to being really jealous of him and @Reefbreak heading off to Dartmoor this weekend. Then I got a text from Jeremy S asking if he could borrow my rucksack and that was the last straw!

So, I'm going to do Reading in March. AND I'm setting myself a goal of 1:35 which will be quite a stretch but it will make sure that I put the miles in over the winter to have the discipline and routine to be able to train for the OMM next year.

Despite being in London tomorrow I'm aiming for quick run round the loop in the morning to prove to myself that I'm serious. Watch this space...

Oh, and the point of the title? I've downloaded BlogPress on my iPhone and when I've proved to myself that a) I'm running again and b) I'm blogging reliably I'll post links. Until then I'll continue "shouting in a dark room"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone