27 September 2011

Childrey 10k 2012: the countdown starts here

Went for a great run on Sunday - sun just coming up, not a cloud in the sky, birds singing, blah, blah, blah - and so I was tempted to push on when I got to one of my usual turn-around points.

I spotted a track up, onto the Ridgeway that I hadn't used before and (after a continuous 2k climb) I found myself looking down onto the Vale of the White Horse and perspiring heavily. In the mood to explore I hacked along for a bit and then found another new (to me) track that Jeremy had told me about, back to the village.

As I got home I was delighted to find that the route was almost exactly 10k and would therefore (with a little manipulation) make a perfect, more challenging version of the Childrey 10k.

It's much more off-road than the existing route but shouldn't be too weather dependent. I'm going to try it a few more times over the next couple of months and then get a notice in the village newsletter before Christmas so that we can get the race on people's New Year's resolution list.

If anyone fancies joining me to try it out, drop me a Tweet or leave a comment below.

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Location:On a train

23 September 2011

Home is where the heart is

Back from a brief business trip and I'm reminded how much comfort I find in the familiar setting and customs of home.

I love travelling, even when it is for work. I never cease to be touched by how lovely people (generally) are, how happy to look after you and be helpful, and how proud they always are of their country. This trip was no different and we sampled some excellent Milanese food last night and the odd glass of some excellent vino.

But there is nothing like being back in Blighty after a few nights away. Just getting onboard the BA flight starts that gradual re-acclimatisation and gets me looking forward to being back with the family and enjoying the weekend.

Enjoy yours!

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Location:Up in the air

22 September 2011

Confessions of a technology junkie

It is really only when sat in an aeroplane, stranded on the tarmac due to a "security incident" at my destination with a fading iPhone battery that I realised quite how dependent I have become on technology in general and the iPhone in particular.

As a regular commuter I have my little rituals and habits. I check the weather as I get up and that the train is on time (on my iPhone) before getting in the car. I go through my to-do list in OmniFocus on my iPad as soon as I'm seated. I check out the headlines from my favourite websites and newspapers in FlipBoard (iPad) and then get down to email or reviewing material that the team have tagged for my review in Box.net (iPad again). Before the train pulls in, I'll have had a couple of text exchanges with one or other of the team or another member of the management team (they know I sit in the quiet carriage!).

And then I'm sat on a plane with a phone battery that I thought would have lasted until I got to the hotel and my MiFi device is flat because I forgot to charge it before leaving the office. Sure my iPad is good for another couple of hours but I'm deprived of the Internet as it is WiFi only. No Twitter. No headlines. No being able to look up what the security incident is and find out how long I'm going to be bloody sat here!

Nothing else for it then: I'm going to have to talk to my fellow passengers...

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